Ug. You're invoking qmail-queue for each recipient? Is that necessary?

Most of your system resources are probably spend putting individual messages 
into the queue and deleting individual messages as they're delivered.

Try this as an alternative injection script:

sed s/^/Bcc: / <list 
cat /tmp/message
) /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

Each delivery will only require the sync writing of one byte to say the 
recipient got it rather than wholesale deletion of a message. Each insertion 
is just one extra recipient in the list rather than wholesale message 


At 12:51 AM Thursday 4/8/99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>What speed should one be able to expect from qmail?
>A client of ours is delivering a newsletter to 230,000
>people which we are feeding into the queue like this:
>#! /bin/sh
>for address in `cat list`
>echo -ne "[EMAIL PROTECTED]\000T$address\000\000" >/tmp/address
>sed s/xxxx/$address/g /tmp/message | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue 1<
>echo $address  >>log
>Current speed is 20,000-40,000/hour on a PPRO200/PII350 with
>SCSI drives. Anybody know a better/faster way? 

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