>>On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, Niels Jensen wrote:
   >> So, some of my control files are:
   > me:            f64.work.com
   >> locals:        f64.work.com (to define local addresses)
   >> defaultdomain: work.com
   >> defaulthost:   sonic.net (my ISP)
   >> plusdomain:    work.com
   >> smtproutes:    :mail.sonic.net
   >> If I send mail to myself using the local-local test from TEST.deliver,
   >> the mail is delivered remotely to the sonic mailserver, because sonic.net 
   >> is added to my username. How do I get qmail to stop doing this?
   >That's because your defaulthost is sonic.net.  When qmail-inject sends
   >an email to an address without a host, it adds the default host (see
   >qmail-inject manpage).
   >Change it to f64.work.com.
   If I do this, then when I mail stuff remotely through my ISP's
   mailserver, the return address for me is my work address, which I 
   do not want. Somehow I have to make qmail change my address to 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] whenever mail is sent rmotely, and keep it to
   nielsj, or [EMAIL PROTECTED] when mail is sent locally.

First of all, the line 

smtproutes:    :mail.sonic.net

says that whenever there is a local connection to smtp, the message
should be sent to mail.sonic.net, your ISP.  So if a (local) user
sends mail from Netscape or MH---even to a local address---it will be
sent through your ISP.

But suppose all mailers use sendmail.  Then how about this solution:

Set up a virtualdomain  l.l as


and put

|forward  $[EMAIL PROTECTED]

in ~special/.qmail-default.  (Since l.l is for local users, no need for it to be in 

Then your users can send a message to a local user joe as


To also set the envelope sender, put 

| SLOCAL=`echo $SENDER | cut -d@ -f1` 

in ~special/.qmail-default  (all on one line).

If any of your users find that it is too much work to type `@l.l',
then they can set up aliases (or you can do it for them) as


for each local user joe in their MUAs.  



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