> Rask Ingemann Lambertsen writes:
>  >    Most other anti-spam measures have a technical foundation. Invalid domain,
>  > header field syntax error, no or incorrect reverse DNS, etc. Blocking dialups
>  > doesn't. IMHO, it comes dangerously close to racism.
> The term is "prejudice", not racism.  Race isn't a factor here.  And
> it's a reasonable prejudice, since all of the non-relayed spam I get
> comes from dialups.  Not all prejudice is bad.

I agree 100% with Russel, here in Hong Kong the HK ISP Association is
about to begin an innitiative for our members to block outgoing port 25
connections from modem pools.

As for the prejudice against users - I think this is a non-issue since
people accessing the Internet have absolutely no need to use third party
mail relays. If they don't trust our systems (all qmail!) then they are
free to go elsewhere.

Considering the amount of Hong Kong generated SPAM (most of it from
dial-up users) that we might be able to eliminate I hope we can implement
this scheme soon. 


Bo Fussing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Gateway Internet Ltd. <Hong Kong>
Tel +852 2963-7173 Fax +852 2963-7353 URL http://www.gateway.net.hk
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