On Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 05:20:29PM -0400, Julian L.C. Brown wrote:
> (like any MTA) is full of quirks.  Most companies have someone dedicated to
> the task of looking after email - and if this is not your company you
> should look towards Micro$oft for buggy, low grade help.
No!  "Most companies" do *not*  "have someone dedicated to the task of
looking after email".  This is what I have been trying to get across
to this list, nothing more.  There are an increasing number of
(potential) qmail users who can't possibly afford to have a dedicated
E-Mail person, or even a dedicated sysadmin.  Even a ten person
company will probably have only one person who spends *some* of their
time each day on computer administration.  Lots of companies with
fewer than ten people now have a small network.

  WWW: http://www.isbd.co.uk/

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