On Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 05:08:44PM -0400, Vince Gonzalez wrote:
> > I *know* that qmail is good, fairly simple to install and secure.  But
> > a bit more acceptance that the documentation and other help isn't all
> > *that* brilliant would reduce the sort of problems that
> > non-professional users have installing it.
> If you're not a professional, maybe you should not be setting up a mail
> server.
This is where I came in to some extent!  :-)

Linux is being used by *lots* of non 'professional' people as a
'server' on small networks.  They need an MTA of some sort and qmail
is better than most for various reasons.

Most of these people are either home users who certainly can't afford
professional help or small businesses who could afford something but
(probably) not the sort of amount a good sysadmin would cost for a day
or two.

  WWW: http://www.isbd.co.uk/

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