On Wed, Jun 16, 1999 at 10:31:23AM +0200,
  Tomasz Papszun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You're right about the problem but you *can* use preline with vacation. 
> The trick is needed:
> | preline sh -c '/usr/bin/vacation peter; cat > /dev/null'
> (I got it probably from the qmail list). It works, I used it. I sent
> myself a message sized a couple of MB to make sure :-) .

It might be better to change the vacation program to get the envelope
sender information from the environment rather than the from line.
If the envelope sender address has a space in it, it will be corrupted
when it is put in the from line. This would also save running preline
and cat for each mail delivery.

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