At 01:56 PM Thursday 8/5/99, Jim Arnott wrote:

>I'm experimenting with qmail's throughput. It approximates what
>we want to do with it. (send mail from a mail database through qmail-inject)
>I want to see how fast qmail will queue messages.
>I have a  ~433 Mhz Alpha.
>         script that runs qmail-inject 1000 times
>         with a 1000 byte body
>         Qmail-send is not running
>         takes 73 seconds (13.7/sec)
>This seems a little slow to me. The system cpu is 70% idle.
>Same experiment with "cat >> out.file <" takes 4 seconds.
>Is this normal ? Any ideas on how to speed it up.

First question. Did you try the experiment:

cat >/dev/null < ?

Second question. Why do you think that the cat command is comparable to
inserting a structured object into a sophisticated queue system that ensures
reliability performance at high numbers?

If this is a rhetorical question, then what is your expectation of the cost
of queuing a mail message and on what basis did you make that expectation?


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