At 03:53 PM Thursday 8/5/99, Jim Arnott wrote:
> > >I have a  ~433 Mhz Alpha.
> > >
> > >Experiment:
> > >
> > >         script that runs qmail-inject 1000 times
> > >         with a 1000 byte body
> > >         Qmail-send is not running
> > >
> > >Result:
> > >         takes 73 seconds (13.7/sec)
> > >
> > >This seems a little slow to me. The system cpu is 70% idle.
> > >
> > >Same experiment with "cat >> out.file <" takes 4 seconds.

IMHO it seems that there is somthing strange going on when while doing the
>inject test the CPU is 70% idle. (cat test is 0% idle). There seems
>to be a bottleneck somewhere.

Their is *always* a "bottleneck" in every test. A bottleneck is absolutely

In our line of work, it is typically a cpu or or disk bottleneck, depending
on the nature of the program involved.

I think you've discovered that your "cat" test has a cpu bottleneck and the
qmail-inject test has a disk bottleneck. I don't think you can conclude
anything more than that from your test.


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