On Thu, Aug 05, 1999 at 01:56:02PM -0500, Jim Arnott wrote:
> Experiment:
>       script that runs qmail-inject 1000 times
>       with a 1000 byte body
>       Qmail-send is not running
> Result:
>       takes 73 seconds (13.7/sec)
> This seems a little slow to me. The system cpu is 70% idle.
> Same experiment with "cat >> out.file < 1000byte.in" takes 4 seconds.

The reason this is slow is that large queue injections are very disk
intensive.  To understand why, read the INTERNALS document.  This will
help you understand the difference between what qmail-inject does and
what cat does. 

To solve this problem, use a SCSI controller which has a write-back
cache.  Generally, you  have to look at low-end RAID controllers to
get this. 
If you're sending idendical messages, it's better to use one qmail-inject
with many recipients.

John White     johnjohn
PGP Public Key: http://www.triceratops.com/john/public-key.pgp

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