:>I'll change it to 644

I should have said "622" - not a common permission

: Well, the "p" has to be there, the owner and group have to be the
: same, and, as you've guessed, the mode needs to be 644.

: Right. qmail-queue and qmail-send use trigger cooperatively. When
: qmail-queue queues a message, it writes to trigger. When qmail-send
: can read something from trigger, it knows there are new messages in
: teh queue. Even if nothing shows up in trigger, qmail-send scans the
: queue every 30 minutes looking for new messages.

Hmm, thanks.  I never realized that before.  I changed it and I'll watch it
to see how it goes.  I wonder how it got to "600" in the first place.

  Matthew Harrell                          The perversity of the universe 
  Bit Twiddlers, Inc.                       tends to a maximum.

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