Antonio Navarro Navarro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have installed a Linux machine with two 9 Gbytes SCSI disks with RedHat
>Linux 6.1. I want to install QMail as the mail serer in this machine, and I
>have a couple of questions.
>1.- Is possible to maintain a database in MySQL, Oracle or similar with
>usernames/passwords and aliases ? I don't want to create a user account in
>the Linux machine for each e-mail user.

Yeah, look for "virtual user" packages on

>2.- Wich directories are involved with the mail processing ? I want to make
>several aprtitions in the hard disks and want to know where will be stored
>the queue files (I suppose that in /var/qmail)


>the mainboxes of the users (Maybe /home/user ?), and so on...

Mailboxes will go wherever you want them.

>3.- From where could I download the latests rpm files for installing the
>QMail Server in RH 6.1 ? Wich files do I need ?

I recommend building from source. See:


for detailed instructions and reasons why I prefer source builds.


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