On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 07:44:16PM -0400, Steve Reed wrote:
> Someone just sent me a note and said they were able to install 
> qmail without a problem on Mandrake 8.  I just downloaded the 
> very latest ISOs and qmail still won't install for me.  So, 
> assuming that I must be doing something totally asinine, here is 
> exactly, step by step, what I am doing.  Hopefully some kind 
> soul can read this and tell me what I'm doing wrong:
> 1.  Download the qmail compressed file into the /usr/local/src 
> directory.
> 2.  Decompress the file, creating /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03.
> 3.  Create the /var/qmail directory (yes I'm logged on as root).
> 4.  Modify INSTALL.ids using the first section for Linux.  It 
> does create the users and groups.
> 5.  Do a "make setup check" in the /usr/local/src/qmail-1.03 
> directory.  It runs and is busy compiling.
> 6.  When compile is finished, the /var/qmail directory is still 
> empty.  So, when I try to do the ./config it of course errors 
> out because it can't find the right directories in /var/qmail.
> So............any ideas?

1) Insall the "script" program (if it's not already installed), and type 
   "script /tmp/qmail.log".

2) Go through your qmail install.  When done, type "exit".

3) Post /tmp/qmail.log to a website for further review, since you're 
   obviously not providing enough information here.


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