"Ramzi S. Abdallah" wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to migrate from sendmail to qmail. The compilation and tests
> were successful however I can not seem to be able to run the qmail daemon.
> When I telnet to port 25 I get    "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host:
> Connection refused"
> I am using the shell proc file which is in /var/qmail/boot. Is there any
> other way to do it? I also installed symbolic links from
> /var/qmail/bin/sendmail to /usr/sbin/sendmail  and to /usr/lib/sendmail but
> pine complained that there is too many symbolic links.
> Any help on how to run qmail would be appreciated.
> Ramzi

Make sure all the sym links are correct and pointing to the correct
binary.  I had some problems when I went from slackware linux to
openbsd, they had a few sym links for sendmail that I had missed when I
first installed qmail.
To find all your entries for sendmail type this at the prompt (as root)

find / -name "sendmail" -ls

If that scrolls off the screen (of which it shouldn't) you can pipe it
to more by putting a |more after the -ls  which will capture a screen
full at a time then use your up/down arrow keys to scroll through it and
q to exit.  After you type in the above command it will print out a
standard ls -l listing of all references to sendmail.

When you do a ps -aux are the qmail daemon's running?  You type this at
the prompt (as root)

ps -aux|grep 'qmail'

The listing should fit on the screen and should show about 6 processes
running.  Maybe less if qmail-smtp and qmail-pop3 are not running. 
Qmail the main program it's self should have about 4 processes listed.

You may also want to do

ps -aux|grep 'sendmail'

Just to make sure sendmail isn't running.  If two programs try to use
the same tcp port no one wins and the port goes un-answered.

If they are not running type in at the prompt

csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'

And put this in your /etc/inetd.conf

smtp stream tcp nowait qmaild /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env tcp-env

Then kill -HUP your inetd daemon.  

kill -HUP 'pid'

To find the pid use ps -aux|grep 'inetd' and use the number it prints
out.  Or you can reboot the box.

Write back if you have any more questions.

                        Take Care,

Dale Miracle
System Administrator
Teoi Virtual Web Hosting

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