On Wed, Oct 20, 1999 at 05:49:45PM -0400, Russell Nelson wrote:
> Ryan writes:
>  > 
> Personally, on my mailing lists, unsuscribe is a four-letter word.  If
> you send mail with that word anywhere, the mail gets forwarded to
> LIST-unsubscribe@HOST.

OK, but is it permissible to write unsuBscribe?  ;-)

This is better than nothing. But automatic censoring is almost never vert
good. I would rather WARN the user automatically instead of posting,
then accepting it if he persists with the same text, or enclosed in
quotation-marks, or whatever.
Cause, you may want to use the word in some really different context.
And four-letter words could be used in other contexts too.

        -- MOST useless 1998 * http://x42.com/

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