Very funny !!!!!!!!!!!

dd wrote:

> > > had a similar prob. our machine kept saying that the domain name was not
> > > in the rcpthosts file when users tried to send mails to a host other than
> > > the local one. i read the documentation and accordingly removed
> > > the rcpthosts file. that was it...
> > > sorry if i misunderstood you and sent a crap answer here...
> > >
> > > dd
> >
> > NO!!!!!  You have just turned your mail server into an open relay!!!!
> > NEVER, NEVER, NEVER remove rcpthosts.  Please read LWQ, especially the
> > part on selective relaying.
> alright, alright, i'm sorry, don't kill me. i'm totally/extremely (maybe
> the most) unexperienced administrator in this list. i may make mistakes
> and errm, gross ones even <:} . i'll install tcpserver, ok...
> hope i won't get another mail about this, i started feeling stupid
> already...
> love and peace etc,
> dd

Luís Bezerra de A. Junior
SecrelNet Informática LTDA
Fortaleza - Ceará - Brasil
Fone: 021852882090

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