On Thu, Nov 18, 1999 at 07:36:17PM -0800, Michael Boyiazis wrote:
>     We are thinking of using OpenDiskSuite to 
> mirror a disk which contains /var/qmail so that
> if the disk dies we have (hopefully) not lost the
> mail in the queue.  Will this work?  
> Would I  then need to run the queue through the 
> queue recovery script or should it be okay without?  
> Would it be better to use Veritas or something else?
IMHO, no software mirroring scheme is going to do the trick.  AND
they're overwhelmingly expensive.

If redundancy is your goal, then get an SCSI to SCSI raid controller
and set up /var/qmail/queue on a RAID 1 partion.

If you're looking for performance with redundancy, then make sure the
controller can do  RAID 1+0 with a write-back cache.

Hot swap is a must in these cases.

Any RAID built on the Infortrend controller will make you a happy guy.

Software RAID is, again IMHO, not suitable for making your queue
redundant or quick.


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