On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, Matthew Brown wrote:

> John White wrote:
> > IMHO, no software mirroring scheme is going to do the trick.  AND
> > they're overwhelmingly expensive.
> As to the latter point, isn't DiskSuite included in your Solaris license
> these days?  (not sure about other OSes, but generally a simple software
> RAID solution is in most Unices nowadays).
> On the former point: why is such a huge proportion of the world doing their
> mirroring with software RAID (generally Veritas) including some HUGE solaris
> installations (Sun seems quite keen on Veritas).
> > Software RAID is, again IMHO, not suitable for making your queue
> > redundant or quick.
> I've met many people who are of the opinion that software RAID is no slower
> than most hardware RAID.  Or is the 'most' the important word here?

IMHO, mirroring cannot be really faster for uses where the large amount
of the operations (30-40+ percent) is writing. Mail queues fall into this
category. Of course if you rely on caching, it can be improved, but then
again, it is not due to the mirroring, but due to the cache, anyway.

Robert Varga

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