On Wed, 1 Dec 1999 10:28:05 +1000 , Warren Beckett writes:
> Hi all.
> I have been watching my qmail logs and parallel with logs from other
> firewall and noticed that the qmail box is generate a large number of
> ident lookups. 
> Does anyone know what is cause this, and how do I stop it.

Are you running qmail-smtpd from tcpserver?  If so,
start tcpserver with the -R flag, which will turn off
ident lookups.

Chris Mikkelson  | Vampireware; n, a project capable of sucking the 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | lifeblood out of anyone unfortunate enough to be
                 | assigned to it which never actually sees the light
                 | of day, but nonetheless refuses to die. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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