"Charles Leeds" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Can QMail handle this scenario?
> 2000+ users for the domain mycompany.com

This by itself should be no problem at all, but you should
definitely decouple qmail/IMAP user management from UNIX
user id and instead run all users under a single UID
and implement your own (fast) authentification and authorization
machanism. Something like the vpopmail
package <URL:http://www.inter7.com/vpopmail/> somes to mind, or
roll your own. With 2000+ users in a single virtual domain it
also pays off to implement some kind of hashed directory structure
to avoid 2000+ subdirs of a single virtual domain's main directory.

> 500 of those users will need their mail stored on 2 qmail servers at branch
> sites (250 users per)
> 1500 of the users will be on a very buff HP 9000
> All 2000 users must have the same domain name mycompany.com

That should be no problem at all.

> ([EMAIL PROTECTED] might be on the corporate HQ server while
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] might be on a branch site server.  Branch sites and HQ
> tied together using leased T1's and form a WAN (non-internet addresses)

You'll need one "master" SMTP server that is visible from
the internet accepting messages and have it distribute them
to the appropriate (internal) branch site. I suppose you're
running an internet-isolated DNS on your corporate network, then
you can set up appropriate MX RRs to point to branch servers and
forward messages on a per-user basis from the main server to the
branch offices.

> All mail will be stored in IMAP format on those 3 servers.

There is no such thing as an IMAP storage format per se; just
store the messages in Maildir format, then use an IMAP server
that handles Maildir format, such as
Courier-IMAP <URL:http://www.inter7.com/courierimap/>, which has
the advantage that it handles authorization through external
programs (somewhat like qmail-pop3d's checkpassword, just
a little bit more complicated) - this makes it easy to implement
your own authorization service using LDAP.

> authentication with no local accounts on mail servers.  Verification of user
> before sending mail (authenticated smtp?).

I've no experience with "authenticated SMTP". Is there even an RFC
for such a thing? Never heard of it.

> Works with Netscape 4.5+ client.
> (I've heard Outlook Express works badly with IMAP servers other than
> Microsoft's, is this true?)

Yes, more or less, depending on the version of Outlook you use
(Outlook-Expresss, Outlook-97 etc.) it does not play nice with
Courier-IMAP. This is due to both strange behavior of Outlook
and because Courier-IMAP is not yet feature-complete.

> Has anyone deployed and kind of Netscape/Outlook Express + Qmail-IMAP +
> Qmail-LDAP setup with success?  How well do these play together?

Works ok here, except for the LDAP part which we have no interest
in and hence never tried.


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