Michael Boman spake unto me and said:
> Let me see if I get this right, it is OK to share the /home/vpopmail
> directory, but not the others? Anyone have ideas how to keep the qmail
> controlfiles etc up-to-date on each computer, or can I just share that
> directory (/var/qmail/control and maybe /var/qmail/alias).


  /var/qmail/queue is the one thing you simply CANNOT share; qmail cannot
  queue messages through NFS. (Read INSTALL.maildir; you'll see that Dan
  takes a dim view of NFS.)


  Sharing /var/qmail/control is possible, if you're careful. It probably
  means that home directories are NFS mounted, and passwords are NIS
  shared.  This in turn means:

  1. mbox delivery is deprecated; use Maildir.  See INSTALL.maildir,
     INSTALL.mbox and INSTALL.vsm.

  2. Mail will bounce unless you follow the steps in FAQ 4.9: "How do
     I make qmail defer messages during NFS or NIS outages?"

  An alternative to sharing is to use sed and rsync (with "-e ssh").
  The qmail Makefile contains an elegant use of sed for that purpose.


  You certainly can share /var/qmail/bin if you want. Make sure the
  qmail users and groups have the same IDs on every host. Also, paths
  need to agree: for example /var/qmail/queue should always get you to
  the right place.


  Can be shared. Remember, it's a home directory; use Maildir. Also,
  it's your problem to make sure that .qmail-* files work everywhere.


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