DJB emails the list plenty with support, but lets just put that side and
think for a second here:

You spend most of your day programming FOR FREE for people to use as they
see fit (within limits) and then, you spend LOTS of time writing
documentation for the software that you make available, FREELY.

People ask questions on the list about the software that you wrote, FOR
FREE, and the answers are covered in the documentation, that you wrote,

Do you see a pattern here?

AFAIK, if he wants a strict license, who the hell am i to whine about it.
I love qmail. Yes, i wish it had a better license, but i'm sure not going
to go talking shit about the man that programmed it because i disagree
with him. If you dont like it, dont run his software. Then, you also whine
that the man doesnt give any type of feedback, when if you search the
archives, you will clearly see him posting repsonses to intelligently
asked questions time and time again.

On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, I Haddenough wrote:

>Why is DJB so analy-retentive about licensing qmail?  Why won't he just GPL 
>it?  Why does he insist on only allowing the most obtuse of Unix-geek 
>documentation?  Why are we at the mercy of D. Sill and R. Nelson ( God 
>bless'em both) for any kind of intelligent feedback/doc?
>I mean, shit, he rattles cages with the gov't over krypto, but he won't open 
>source his code?  A case of Ivory Tower toxic syndrome?
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