David Cunningham writes:
 > Would this license also prohibit me from modifying the source for my own
 > personal use (not for redistribution?)

It's complicated.  According to US copyright law, once you have a
copy, it is yours to dispose of as you wish.  However, the software
may have attempted to bind you to more restrictive terms using a
shrink-wrap or click-through license.  In some jurisdictions,
shrink-wrap licenses are valid; in others, not.  If the proposed UCITA
passes in your state, then they will be valid.

Dan just uses copyright law to protect qmail from unwanted
redistribution, so the answer here is "no."  He's got an extended
explanation of software user's rights at http://cr.yp.to/softwarelaw.html

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://russnelson.com
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