>We use qmail to send out large subscriber emagazine/newsletter mailings (2
>million messages/week), and we seem to have a problem with some subscribers
>getting duplicates.  I have seen fixes for duplicates on inbound mail, but
>does anyone know how to address our problem on outbound mail.  Onelist and
>Hotmail don't seem to have a dupe problem.
>The problem is sporadic and unpredictable.
>Sometimes the duplicates have the same time stamp, and other times they are
>separated by an hour (message sent back into the cue as undelivered?).
>Any thoughts?

1) Is the message-id the same for the dupes?

2) Given two dupes with the same message-id, how do their Received: paths

3) Consider the likelihood that with any large subscriber base, you'll get
people who have no clue what their email address is and who are probably
signed up three times with four different AOL "screen names."

    The key is to find a victim who can forward you full copies of the
headers, including Received:, Message-ID:, To:, Delivered-To: (if present),
etc. etc.  Once you have that, you can find many problems with just that
evidence, and if theproblem does go back to your logs you'll have enough
info to correlate with your logs and find out what happened.


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