On Thu, Jan 27, 2000 at 09:12:44AM -0800, Scott Schappell wrote:
> Greetings!
> I am using qmail with FreeBSD 3.3, and when my users telnet in, ssh in or
> login from a terminal, it does not tell them they have new mail, when they
> do (in the case of ssh, it says "no mail" regardless).  I am using
> /home/<user>/Mailbox for delivery.  For telnet, I'm using telnetd via inetd,
> and sshd2 for ssh connections. I RTFAQ, and didn't see anything that
> specifically addressed that issue. What do I need to change?

This is a Unix issue more than a qmail issue.

Firstly you need to work out what it is that tells you whether you
have mail or not. Can I suggest you look at the characteristics of the
shell you are running - especially wrt anything to do with email?

Once you've done that work, you might explore whether that
characteristic can be modified to look at your Mailbox.

If you do that work and find out what to do, you might want to post
your results here to help future people with the same question.


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