I know this is a tense subject on the mailing list, but please bear with me.

I haven't even INSTALLED qmail yet, but would much rather use it on my RedHat
6.1 box than the stock sendmail that's full of holes.

However, my dilemma is that I'm going to be running multiple virtual domains on
one server, web, mail, ftp, etc. and am curious to know what steps exactly I
should follow to get the setup completed with qmail.

Before you start ranting about "RTFM", I have read through the FAQ's and found
them a little confusing. I also searched through the mailing list archives and
am even more confused.

What I'm looking for here is a way to set up my server to accept mail for
domain1.com, domain2.com and domain3.com ... etc, to domainn.com.

Each domain should have its own unique users. That is, [EMAIL PROTECTED] is NOT
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Is this going to be a problem? This is the issue that I fail
to see (easily) addressed from what I've read so far.

I plan to have a directory structure in place such as:

for each of the domains so that each user can login using POP/IMAP to retrieve
their mail. I'd also like an way to handle Email aliasing so that
[EMAIL PROTECTED] can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or wherever else I need it
to go.

I'm not new to Linux, but I'm new to the idea of setting up multiple domains on
a single host, so any hand-holding would be appreciated.

Thanks much,
Ian Douglas, System Administration

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