A Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On that note, what is an example of a startup script that includes
> useful datestamping for multilog? I used the examples set forward in
> section 2.8.2. 'System start-up files' in LWQ, and it is not working as
> I had hoped. Thanks!

I'm slowly converting my various qmail systems over to the newest
daemontools paradigm, and here's what I'm using on the latest system that
I've set up:

exec qmail-start ./Mailbox \
    /usr/local/bin/multilog t s1004000 /var/log/qmail &

(qmail's logging format is incredibly verbose.  It's churning through 10MB
of logs about every hour, hour and a half.  The default multilog log size
is way too small for even a marginally busy server.)

The new daemontools is *much* nicer, although there are a few other
features I'd like to see.  I need to write that up and mail it to the
relevant mailing list.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])         <URL:http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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