On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Vern Hart wrote:
> I had planned on making two varieties of each slogan.  One with the
> Q-arrows logo (small, on the left front) and the slogan and Q-arrows
> logo on the back (big).  The second variation would be the same with
> the dolphin logo substituted.  Should I be bothered with making a
> variation with different logos on the front versus the back?

The dolphin would be great, especially if you could contrast it with a
forlorn-looking bat...*grin* Maybe:

"Don't queue mail with Sendmail..." <BAT>

  <DOLPHIN> "Send mail with QMail!"

or some such. But then again, I have no taste, so take this with a grain
of salt.

I'll also second the request for higher-quality material. Heavy-weight
shirt or sweatshirt is definitely what I'd prefer, personally...

Edward S. Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           http://www.nyx.net/~emarshal/
[                  Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.                  ]

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