At 2/29/2000 03:50 PM -0500, Mark E. Drummond wrote or quoted:

>How about djb's "There are two kinds of interfaces ..." quote?

I'm seeing all kinds of references to djb quotes here, some of which I know 
and some of which I don't. Does anyone know where I can find a compilation 
of djb quotes? I looked on his web site, but didn't find anything so "fluffy".

                              Kai MacTane
                          System Administrator
                       Online, Inc.
 From the Jargon File: (v4.0.0, 25 Jul 1996)

house wizard /n./

A hacker occupying a technical-specialist, R&D, or systems position
at a commercial shop. A really effective house wizard can have influ-
ence out of all proportion to his/her ostensible rank and still not
have to wear a suit.

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