At 2/28/2000 10:45 PM -0600, Edward S. Marshall wrote or quoted:

>The dolphin would be great, especially if you could contrast it with a
>forlorn-looking bat...*grin* Maybe:
>"Don't queue mail with Sendmail..." <BAT>
>   <DOLPHIN> "Send mail with QMail!"

Actually, I rather like the idea of a bat struggling under a huge quantity 
of mail, kind of small, with a larger dolphin underneath flinging mail all 
over the place and looking generally happy. (Of course, dolphins pretty 
much always look happy anyway...) Maybe the dolphin could be tossing the 
mail toward its (unseen, off-screen) destination with its mouth, or batting 
it there with its tail, or even blasting it there with a jet from its 
blowhole. (Or all three at once.)

Or the bat could just be partly buried in a pile of mail, sort of like Kirk 
in the first "tribbles" episode of the original Star Trek.

If the size ratios were sort of like below, I think it would still be 
definitely representing qmail more than sendmail. (I think it's important 
that it be more pro-qmail than anti-sendmail; I've always preferred to 
define myself by what I'm for than by what I'm against).

                                               B A T
          Don't queue mail with sendmail...    B A T
                                               B A T

               Send mail with Qmail!

         DDD   OOO   L   PPP  H   H   III  N    N
         D  D O   O  L   P  P H   H    I   N N  N
         D  D O   O  L   PPP  HHHHH    I   N  N N
         D  D O   O  L   P    H   H    I   N   NN
         DDD   OOO   LLL P    H   H   III  N    N

(Actually, the dolphin should maybe be a bit smaller, but I couldn't make 
the BUAF any smaller without screwing legibility completely. And the text 
font on "Send mail with qmail!" should be a few points larger than that for 
"Don't queue mail with sendmail...".)

Ideally, of course, this would require a cartoonist to give a little "life" 
to the characters. I think it works better if the bat looks just totally 
swamped, like he's being asked to perform a task that's simply way too big 
for him (much like sendmail itself), while the dolphin is just having the 
time of its life and enjoying slinging mail around at incomprehensible speeds.

                              Kai MacTane
                          System Administrator
                       Online, Inc.
 From the Jargon File: (v4.0.0, 25 Jul 1996)

house wizard /n./

A hacker occupying a technical-specialist, R&D, or systems position
at a commercial shop. A really effective house wizard can have influ-
ence out of all proportion to his/her ostensible rank and still not
have to wear a suit.

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