On Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 01:36:17PM -0500, Dave Sill wrote:
> The closest SMTP comes to a "pull" is the ETRN command, which causes
> the server to try to send any queued messages to the client, *but* the 
> server initiates new connections to the client for sending these
> messages.

We have a few customers using ccMail.
We do the MX for them and put everything in Maildirs.
>From there we try to "push" it every five minutes or so (dialup customers).
But I think a simple smtproute in a "connected" environment ist just fine.
They use our qmail server as outgoing relay.

So I think a simple set up qmail box as gateway in front of the ccMail
box should work without problems.
If you want some security (open relay etc) block all connects to port 25
except for the qmail box on the router.

Works fine except that ccMail sometimes seems to generate failure messages
(e.g. bounces) with stray newlines.


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