I installed and configured QMail on Friday of last week.  It passed all the
test, and seemed to work perfectly.  Perhaps coincidently, my DSL connection
started hanging randomly the same night.  At first, I assumed it was just a
glitch, and I re-set the connection.  After doing this several time, I
started hunting for the cause on Sunday.  I turned off QMail, HTTPD, FTPD,
telnetd, and SSH.  I turned on those services slowly over the rest of the
day, and the connection stayed stable until Sunday night, shortly after I
turned QMail back on (the web server was the one I turned on prior to that,
so it is still in the running at this point).  I re-set everything, got the
connection back up, and started everything except the web server and the
mail server.  Everything was stable, and I turned the web server back on
Monday morning.  Mid Monday I turned QMail back on, and shortly lost my DSL
connection again.  I turned off qmail and the server has been up since then.
I want to believe that it is a DSL problem, and not QMail, but the
circumstances are leading me to thing otherwise.  I am a novice when  it
comes to linux, and would appreciate any suggestion on how I might track
this problem down.  Please feel free to suggest qmail specific and
especially non-qmail specific ideas, since I would like to believe that its
not qmail.  Any way, here are some details that may help:  Pentium 133, 64
meg of ram, RedHat Linux 6.0, 768k ADSL connection, configured as a firewall
and using MASQing, lots of free space on the drives (no less than 200 meg on
any give mount, except /boot).  Its been rock solid for months prior to
these problems.


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