On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 01:17:25PM -0500, John W. Lemons III wrote:
> Thanks to all that have replied, but I think I've found the culprit.
> I've been hacked using a "known" BIND weakness.  (Unknown to me!)
> So, any way, I'll be cleaning up that mess this afternoon.  :/
> Anyone know if its safe to just verify/re-install the RPMs from CD, or
> should I wipe it and start over?

Start over. You'll never know whether they've left a re-exploitable program on your
system somewhere. Have you checked for /usr/lib/math/fp/.setuid-root-shell?

Glad that you found the problem. You might also be interested to know that
the author of qmail has written an alternative to BIND and it comes with a
security gaurantee!


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