Thanks for the reply.

>> The man pages say qmail-smtpd required $TCPREMOTEINFO, but it doesn't

>Really? Where? I didn't see that and the code in qmail-smtpd.c suggests
>that it's optional.

Hmm. Well, the qmail-smtpd man page says:

        "...  qmail-smtpd must be supplied
          several environment variables; see tcp-environ(5)..."

and the man for tcp-environ lists TCPREMOTEINFO:

> It doesn't hurt to get it and log it, 

And how would one do that? Does it show up when you run qmail-smtpd with
tcpserver's -v option?

> In an SMTP relay environment, such as an ISP or a corporate outbound
system where most people send from a desktop, via a local server to you,
it's mostly not of use (that's not to say that it couldn't be useful
just that it's not typically implemented to be so).

I see. Well, we're an ISP, and remember that while half our SMTP mail
(outbound mail) comes from desktops like you said, the other half (ie,
incoming mail) comes from other SMTP relays around the world.

I'm open for more input. Can anyone else comment on how else a blank
$TCPREMOTEINFO will affect our qmail logs, headers, etc?


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