On Fri, Apr 14, 2000 at 11:50:52AM -0700, Anthony White wrote:
> There is no record pointing to the domain itself.  It points
> to 'mail.movielink.net.au'
> All our incoming mail comes via one IP into a firewall, gets port
> forwarded to the mailserver and is processed.
> We have no problems receiving mail.
> All mail sent is shown to come from 'mail.movielink.net.au' with
> the IP of the firewall.  That IP currently resolves to 'mail.movielink.net.au'
> which does not match with <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and the error 451 is
> sent back to us.
> Should I have that IP reverse lookup to resolve to 'movielink.net.au'
> instead?

>From my point of view the bouncing programs are broken.  Having no address
record for a domain but having MX records as you do is 100% valid.  I have
used that setup many times.  You want mail.movielink.net.au to reverse resolve
to the domain it claims to be (mail.movielink.net.au) for other reasons and
for filters that do checking correctly.  There is nothing wrong with
mascarading either ethically or technically.  Some zeolots are preaching that
all should resolve in their ideologically correct way but unfortunately many
of their ideologies are flawed in that they do not handle:
        1. dialup users needs
        2. certain types of firewall needs (yours)
        3. basically anything past a certain level of complexity.

Who is doing the bouncing?


Duncan Watson

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