> >"J.M. Roth \(iip\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > >One of our users had an important mail in the queue which was returned to
> > >him only 7 days later ('cause of a DNS failure), way too late...

You can shorten the queue lifetime by adding a file called 
'queuelifetime' to qmail/control. The contents of the file should be
the number of seconds you want messages to wait in the queue before
being bounced. We have ours set to 345600, or four days rather than the 
default seven.

That is of course only a compromise, but seven days does seem a long time
before you are notified of a problem.

                                tom blauvelt

Thomas Blauvelt         NorthNet Internet Services, Inc.
                        North Country Reference & Research Resources Council
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   7 Commerce Lane  Canton NY 13617 USA  (315) 386-4569

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