Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Ian Lance Taylor writes:
> > Sure.  You get a rapid indication of an error condition.  qmail by
> > default provides an indication of an error condition after 1 week.
>I would be interesting to see (someone else do :) a study of the time
>in the queue vs. success in delivery.  How profitable is it to leave
>mail in the queue for seven days versus the four that Tom suggested?

I have three and a half days of old logs I ran through
qmailanalog. The zddist script says:

Distribution of ddelays for successful deliveries

Meaning of each line: The first pct% of successful deliveries
all happened within doneby seconds. The average ddelay was avg.

   doneby     avg  pct
   175.68   72.00  90
   185.54   74.41  91
   197.96   77.15  92
   214.85   80.45  93
   229.72   84.12  94
   262.56   88.66  95
   302.85   94.62  96
  1001.79  109.63  97
  1275.71  141.99  98
 10004.30  605.29  99
173893.00  607.67  100

So 99% of my messages were delivered within 3 hours (10800 s), and all
were delivered within about 2 days (172800 s).

This was for a chunk of log summarized by zoverall as:

Basic statistics

qtime is the time spent by a message in the queue.

ddelay is the latency for a successful delivery to one recipient---the
end of successful delivery, minus the time when the message was queued.

xdelay is the latency for a delivery attempt---the time when the attempt
finished, minus the time when it started. The average concurrency is the
total xdelay for all deliveries divided by the time span; this is a good
measure of how busy the mailer is.

Completed messages: 15518
Recipients for completed messages: 85595
Total delivery attempts for completed messages: 92071
Average delivery attempts per completed message: 5.93317
Bytes in completed messages: 94519308
Bytes weighted by success: 284405101
Average message qtime (s): 502.863

Total delivery attempts: 175896
  success: 162250
  failure: 191
  deferral: 13455
Total ddelay (s): 54231611.160887
Average ddelay per success (s): 334.247218
Total xdelay (s): 4135746.725588
Average xdelay per delivery attempt (s): 23.512455
Time span (days): 3.50192
Average concurrency: 13.6689

Now, this doesn't exactly measure what you asked for because it just
looks at a 3.5 day snapshot: it doesn't follow N messages until they
were either delivered or bounced. But, it's interesting that none of
the messages in this period took more than two days to be delivered.

I think it's clear that very few messages are delivered in the 4th
through 7th days.


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