Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 15:26:00 -0400
   From: Brian Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   the person could just simply not
   be checking their e-mail, or you could've mistyped the address, or a million

   other things, so you just plain can't depend on the system, but the more
   checks you put in, the more you make the system _look_  perfect, the more
   easy you make it for users to assume that is _is_ perfect...

You seem to be saying that there is no point to improving something
unless we can make it perfect.  However, I think we can all agree that
in this world nothing is ever perfect.  Therefore, you seem to be
saying that we should never try to improve anything.

If that isn't what you mean, then what do you mean?

I'm not saying we should make things perfect.  I'm saying we should
make things better.  And the first step is realizing that things are
not good enough--or, in other words, that they are not perfect.


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