Ian Lance Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    From: Dave Sill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>    Anyone who assumes that An Important Mail has been delivered intact
>    and read by the recipient simply because they didn't receive a
>    warning or bounce message deserves what they get.
> This is a real indictment of the state of the Internet.

Not at all. Dave said, ``simply because they didn't receive a
warning...''  In other words, you can't assume the message was
received, simply because you WEREN'T told that it WASN'T received. You
can only assume it was received if you HAVE been told it HAS been

> I hope that someday people will trust the Internet the way they trust
> the telephone system.

I know you got my phone call, because I know I heard your voice. I
know you got my fax, because fax machines DO acknowledge when a fax
has been received.

Email has no _general_ confirmation mechanism, except asking the
recipient to ``hit reply so I know you got this.''


There are two people at fault in every computer security breach: the
attacker, and the programmer who let him in.
                                -- Dan Bernstein

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