Dave Kitabjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We had a situation with a customer who was consulting for a college. So
> every few days, she had to send a 10MB PowerPoint file to about 50
> recipients at that college. Under qmail, a separate thread was opened up
> for each qmail-remote. 

Warn her, firmly, to send Zip disks by email or to rent space on an
FTP server. If she persists, kill her. Then find and kill the manager
who would email me 6MB presentations, clogging my modem for half an
hour--instead of waiting 45 minutes and giving it to me when I arrived
at work.

> a) That means a total transfer of 500MB rather than simply 10MB. 

Right! That's not what email is for! Not only your pipe is being abused;
the downstream servers are, too.

And think of the poor recipients! If they use modems, then they will
be _extremely_ ticked at the wait. Worse, many POP servers and/or
clients will jam on such large messages, forcing retries. Some will
fail forever, blocking receipt of any further emails until someone at
the ISP deletes the offending message.

This is a MAJOR case for customer education.


Frugal Tip #65:
Get a cushy TMF job where you can get away with making goofy lists like
this one for a living.

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