> From:  Dirk Harms-Merbitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date:  Fri, 28 Apr 2000 13:07:26 -0700
> I have customers who regularly send 100+MB attachements.
> Email is the most convenient way for them to do this.
> Especially with a local SMTP server in their network.
> Why waste time tyring to convince them otherwise?

We have a customer who's internet connection kept getting unusably slow.  It 
turned out that they had several employees who thought that email was a great 
way to pass pornography around.  Because the spooler was on the LAN, it seemed 
fast to them, so they didn't realize they were clogging the pipe by emailing 
dirty pictures to a dozen friends (each at different servers, so no redesign 
of qmail could solve the problem).  In this case, the solution was to have 
their management tell them not to do that, but if it had been legitimate data, 
the solution would have been to use an FTP server.

email may be convenient, but that just means that other paths aren't 
convenient enough.  It would be better to have a common folder on everyone's 
desktop where they could drop the files.  This even works across the internet, 
if you're a Mac user and have a (free) account on mac.com, you can mount a 
folder from there on your desktop to drop things on and any other mac.com user
can mount it to read your files.  That's more convenient than sending email, 
and much more efficient.


Chris Garrigues                 virCIO
http://www.DeepEddy.Com/~cwg/   http://www.virCIO.Com
+1 512 432 4046                 +1 512 374 0500
                                4314 Avenue C
O-                              Austin, TX  78751-3709

  My email address is an experiment in SPAM elimination.  For an
  explanation of what we're doing, see http://www.DeepEddy.Com/tms.html 

    Nobody ever got fired for buying Microsoft,
      but they could get fired for relying on Microsoft.

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