On Sun, May 07, 2000 at 01:17:13PM -0600, Steve Wolfe wrote:
> Despite the docs at RedHat.com, saying how easy it is to
> increase the file-handle limit on the new kernels, I found that
> it simply didn't work. Editing the source and recompiling the
> kernel (as you had to in older kernels) did the trick.

The documentation of RedHat.com is technically accurate, just not
complete.  There are two limits.  One is the total number of
files handles for all processes.  This is adjustable through
/proc/sys/fs/file-max.  The other limit is the number of file
handles opened by a single process.  This is dynamic in the newer
kernels.  You are probably running into a resource limit.  Try:

    ulimit -n

I just opened 2000 files after using "ulimit -n 2048" (the
default was 1024).  No recompile was required.


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