On Wed, May 10, 2000 at 01:30:53AM -0700, Flemming Funch wrote:
> So .. eh... would it likely be my disk I/O that slows it down
> (how do I test that?), or should I be switching to FreeBSD, or
> am I doing something stupid?

You should find the bottleneck before you jump to any
conclusions.  What version of the Linux kernel are you using?  Do
you have any strange looking error messages in your log files?
What does "vmstat 1" show?  Perhaps you should install sar(sp?)
and profile your disk IO.

Regarding FreeBSD...

The VM system in Linux 2.2 and 2.3 is fucked.  I am (used to be?)
a big fan of Linux but I can't believe what is happening on
linux-kernel lately.  Rather than sitting down and figuring out
the problems people just keep screwing around with things hoping
somehow it will get fixed.  Things have gotten progressively
worse.  The latest kernel (pre7) is a joke.  Many people report
their system is unusable.

The 2.4 release is approaching.  Now is not the time to be
totally overhauling the VM code.  Being unafraid to shake things
up and change code is one thing but this is ridiculous.  The same
thing happened before the 2.2 release.  Major changes were made
right up to the release.  I think significant changes happened
even in the 2.2 releases (people say 2.2.10 is better than

David Miller is supposed to be working on a new design similar to
the FreeBSD VM.  I still have some faith that he will do a good
job.  In the mean time I have installed FreeBSD-stable on an
extra partition and am planning my cutover.

Okay, I'm feeling much better now.  Sorry for that.

If it doesn't cost you too much time, trying FreeBSD would be a
very interesting experiment.  If you do switch would you mind
posting a summary of the results?


Segmentation fault (core dumped)

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