At 5/20/2000 10:39 AM +0200, clemensF wrote or quoted:
> > Kai MacTane:
> > People who are determined to be stupid seem to be:
> >
> > a) 100% capable of being stupid, no matter how easy you try to make it
> >     for them to be smart (or at least average); and
> > b) 100% incapable of being convinced that they're being stupid. They
> >     will rationalize and justify nearly anything.
>that's what i call a perl.  it is the simple truth, no matter where it is
>applied.  and since is so hard to spot intelligence, this statement will
>make it easy to describe the opposite.
>may i quote you?

Wow, thank you very much! Yes, you may quote me, and such permission is 
given to the rest of the list as well. (If I'm going to whip off a /bon 
mot/ in public, it's hardly fair for me to ask everyone to forget about it 

But do please note that this only applies to the stupid people; there are 
intelligent ones out there. (I don't want to come off as *too* much of a 
cynic! :)

                              Kai MacTane
                          System Administrator
                       Online, Inc.
 From the Jargon File: (v4.0.0, 25 Jul 1996)

finger trouble /n./

Mistyping, typos, or generalized keyboard incompetence (this is
surprisingly common among hackers, given the amount of time they
spend at keyboards). "I keep putting colons at the end of statements
instead of semicolons", "Finger trouble again, eh?".

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