On Fri, May 19, 2000 at 09:07:17AM +0200, Paulo Jan wrote:
> > 
> > OK, so they are stupid.  Now, let's help them out so they don't have to
> > waste bandwidth and everybody's time.  Lets send them several messages each
> > day with something in the body that all mail clients can read that tells
> > them how to unsubscribe.  After all, they are stupid, give them something
> > they can't miss.  Don't burry it in the header, don't require them to keep
> > something, don't require them to remember a web site, just attach the
> > information to the end of each message; then those stupid people will feel
> > real stupid if they miss it.
> > #
>       Based on my experience in other mailing lists, I can guarantee you
> that, after adding unsubbing information in the footer of the message,
> you will *still* receive mails from people asking "remove me" or "how do
> I unsub".
Maybe we should all make a habit of replying to those questions with the 
"Idiot's guide to unsubscribe manual" Dave Sill posted on this list a couple
of weeks ago ;-)
My $0.001 worth <G>

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