
I just installed qmail but I cant get it to run properly.
The system is a Sun Solaris E250 running Sol 7.
/var/adm/messages gives me this:
May 30 04:19:41 uxtrav03 unix: NOTICE: qmail-queue, uid 100: setuid
execution not allowed, dev=800004
May 30 04:53:11 uxtrav03 unix: NOTICE: qmail-queue, uid 333: setuid
execution not allowed, dev=800004
May 30 05:05:00 uxtrav03 unix: NOTICE: qmail-queue, uid 0: setuid
execution not allowed, dev=800004

I read the archive and saw how to fix this by hand - chown-ing the
mail in the queue to qmailq - and that works. But mail gets only
inserted in the queue when i send mail from the root account -
else all i get is the warning. I could not find a real fix for this
problem as well in the archive.

qmail-queue in /var/qmail/bin has the following permissions:
# ls -l /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue
-rws--x--x   1 qmailq   qmail      19880 May 30 05:12

/var/qmail/queue directory has these permissions:
# ls -l /var/qmail/queue
total 18
drwx------   2 qmails   qmail        512 May 30 03:11 bounce
drwx------  25 qmails   qmail        512 May 30 03:11 info
drwx------   2 qmailq   qmail        512 May 30 05:11 intd
drwx------  25 qmails   qmail        512 May 30 03:11 local
drwxr-x---   2 qmailq   qmail        512 May 30 03:11 lock
drwxr-x---  25 qmailq   qmail        512 May 30 03:11 mess
drwx------   2 qmailq   qmail        512 May 30 05:11 pid
drwx------  25 qmails   qmail        512 May 30 03:11 remote
drwxr-x---   2 qmailq   qmail        512 May 30 05:11 todo

I also ran qmail-qsanity-0.52 and qmail-lint-0.55 on it - both
reported no errors. Rerunning make setup check does not fix it
as well.

Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?


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