also sprach mario.libraro:
> Hi,
> I am Mario Libraro and this is the first time i write on this mailing list..
> I have to setup a mailserver with 15000 (or probably, in a next future
> up to 20.000) users. The info about user accounts are now in a MSAccess
> database but i can
> convert them in any plain text fashion.

Shouldn't be too much of a problem.

> My questions are:
> - is it difficult to load 15000 user acconuts in qmail with a script (using
> the database or a text list)? This
> implies that i must load 15000 user accounts in the system (/etc/passwd)  ?

No, you can use qmail with a single system UID/GID. There is a link off the home page describing how to do so. Alternatively, you can use one
of the packages (vpopmail at, vmailmgr at to automate and simplify a lot of this process.

> - is there a webmail module for qmail ?

Tons. Any webmail program that does POP/IMAP is a candidate; just install a
POP/IMAP server for qmail. Also, sqwebmail, oMail, and (I believe) Neomail
(others?) read Maildir/ straight from the filesystem.

Search for those webmail programs.

> - is it possible for users to remotely change mail password and add mail
> aliases ?

With vpopmail, you'd use qmailadmin. Or sqwebmail supports the password
change as well.

> - is it possible for an administrator to remotely add/modify/remove accounts

qmailadmin here as well, if you're using vpopmail.

Otherwise, there is a Webmin ( module for qmail out
there. Haven't used it, can't say how well it works...

In a nutshell, visit, bookmark, memorize these URLs and you'll be fine:

Good luck!

Peter Green : Gospel Communications Network, SysAdmin : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"How should I know if it works? That's what beta testers are for. I only
coded it."
(Attributed to Linus Torvalds, somewhere in a posting)

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