in the file rcpthosts you need to list all the hosts/domains,
that you want to get mail FOR, not FROM.

that means the hosts that your qmail server is "responsible" for. so it
accepts mails from anyone for those domains and tries to deliver them
directly to the users, virtualusers or recipients listed in aliases ...

mail to hosts that are NOT listed in rcpthosts is considered "relaying"
which is only allowed for relayclients (tcp.smtp).

i administer the qmail MX for and,
so our rcpthosts file contains (among others)

so your rcpthosts file should at least contain:

i hope this helps
(and i could explain it well enuf to make sense for you)


Also sprach Karl Voit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04.07.2000:

>But now, a remote mail cannot be delivered to my local server :(

>I sent a mail from my gmx-account ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) to my local account
>([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and this is, what I got back on my gmx-account:
>The error-msg indicates to me that I have to enter all hosts (from where I
>wish to get mails from) in my rcpthosts!?!?

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