On Tue, 4 Jul 2000, wolfgang zeikat wrote:

> in the file rcpthosts you need to list all the hosts/domains,
> that you want to get mail FOR, not FROM.
> that means the hosts that your qmail server is "responsible" for. so it
> accepts mails from anyone for those domains and tries to deliver them
> directly to the users, virtualusers or recipients listed in aliases ...
> mail to hosts that are NOT listed in rcpthosts is considered "relaying"
> which is only allowed for relayclients (tcp.smtp).
> so your rcpthosts file should at least contain:
> tux.dyn.priv.at

Ow. This is getting complicated now :(

I want to get my sbox-account (my provider) ALL my mails because my
computer isn't running all the time and when fetchmail isn't running, I
want to read my mails via the provider's webmail-interface.

So I get mails as (for simplicity abbrevated!) vk@sbox, vk@tux, karl@gmx
and anotherone@gmx.

I modified rctphosts:

Now I get the mails but the qmail doesn't seem to know what to do with
them because they're getting into my nulldevice: (almost) all mails
deleted from sbox-server and nothing delivered on my
local tux-computer-account.

example of logfile:
qmail: 962705369.790367 delivery
146: success:
qmail: 962705369.791155 status: local 0/10 remote 2/20
qmail: 962705369.791719 end msg 57505

So I guess, I'll have to set aliases for all email-addresses of me.

How to set up an alias? (The manuals are quite confusing to me)

I want an alias e.g. for [EMAIL PROTECTED] delivered to vk@tux (local).

Along the dot-qmail, I have to "touch .qmail-gmx:net" and with what
content? vk@tux? This would cause ALL gmx-mails to be forwarded to the
local user vk? But what if several users use an gmx-forward?

PLEASE give me an example with real names (e.g. [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> local
user vk@tux AND [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> local other@tux)!

How can I avoid following "couldn't find any host named localhost"?
(I already put "localhost" in rctphosts!)

2:09:24 tux qmail: 962705364.317964 new msg 57498
2:09:24 tux qmail: 962705364.318689 info msg 57498: bytes 11765 from
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 1261 uid 507
2:09:24 tux qmail: 962705364.355137 starting delivery 150: msg 57498 to
remote vk@localhost
2:09:24 tux qmail: 962705364.360527 status: local 1/10 remote 7/20
2:09:24 tux qmail: 962705364.389012 delivery
150: failure: Sorry,_I_couldn't_find_any_host_named_localhost._(#5.1.2)/
2:09:24 tux qmail: 962705364.389848 status: local 1/10 remote 6/20
2:09:24 tux qmail: 962705364.433603 bounce msg 57498 qp 1270
2:09:24 tux qmail: 962705364.434120 end msg 57498

How can I restart qmail to apply all changes???
/etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail stop/start
doesn't seem to be enough.

THANK you VERY much for helping me!
btw, trust me: I've tried to search all my questions in the FAQs/manuals.

         Student @ University of Technology of GRAZ (Austria/Europe)

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