Dennis Robertson writes:
> Firstly as user when I open a term I get the message:
> env: qmail-start: Permission denied.
> I have followed both LWQ and the how-to and have checked permissions
> without finding what is wrong.
> Secondly, when I open a term I get a number like [1] 27087 in the top
> left corner, caused by the csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &' script I added to
> .bashrc as per the install notes para 14.

These are two symptoms of the same problem.  /var/qmail/rc should be
run as part of *system* startup, not user login.  Normal users don't
have execute permission for qmail-start, thus your first symptom.  The
second is simply what bash does when it starts a job in the
background: it prints the job number and PID.  You can suppress this
by starting the job from a subshell:
$ (foo&)
But in this case, the command shouldn't be in your .bashrc at all.


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