>>I have tried to telnet to port 25 ( telnet 10.1.x.x 25 ) locally and it
>>works fine. I have send and recived mails locally and it works out fine.
>>I have send mails outside my net and it works fine. But to recieve mails
>>from outside isn't working. I have tried to telnet to port 25 from
>>outside and there was no response ( telnet www.my.dk 25 ).
>Sounds like your router isn't sending incoming port 25 connections to
>your qmail system. This is a NAT/router problem.

By the way unless you have a really nice router, port forwarding can be a
bugger to do...The ipportfw & ipmasqadm code available for Linux stinks as
far as setting it up goes in a LAN, but maybe try (on an internet-viewable
machine if you have one), using nportredird or redir (both work nicely, but
nportredird has more functionality). Should work with BSD and other
variants... www.freshmeat.net has downloads. Might help, might not...


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